Add umami to your dessert by using our shiitakes with your cheese platter. We prepare the shiitakes with soya sauce and sesame seed. Finally we serve the cheese platter with a sweet thyme dressing.
By serving this surprising and tasteful dessert, you will go out with a bang!
1. Cut the stalk off all the shiitake.
2. Mix 1 tbsp soy sauce with 1 tbsp mirin
3. Add some olive oil to the pan and heat the shiitake (open side up) over medium-high heat.
4. Spread the marinade over the shiitake and turn them over every 2 min until both sides are nicely caramelised
5. Leave the shiitake on low heat while you work on the filling
6. Cut/crumble/grate/scrape 6 times the amount of cheese you want to put on the shiitake (the amount is up to you)
7. Then add 1 or 2 drops of thyme/honey dressing on top of the cheese
8. Then sprinkle the sesame seeds on top
9. Finally, garnish the shiitake with a piece of grape and it is ready to serve